Serengeti National Park

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Serengeti National Park

The Serengeti, located in Tanzana, is best known for it wildlife population, including the famous big cats. Over two million large mammals carve across the plains in a circular trek duirng the famous early wilderbeist and zebra migration; their steady instinctive movements tied to the land and grass and rain.

Of course, where large groups of mammal game thrive so do predators that feed on tham; lions, cheetahs, hyenas and leopards are incredibly common sightings on our Serengeti holiday safaris. Some of the most luxury Kenya hotels are found in this area.

The Maasai tribal people, who have grazed their cattle on the Serengeti’s wast fertile plains for centuries, call it Siringitu, “the place where the land moves on forever.”

The vast almost treeless plains of the Serengeti are in fact just that – an endless expanse of wilderness stretching to the horizon in every single direction.

It’s important to realise that the Serengeti has distinct regions which witness greater game concentrations at certain times of the year.

Our Great Migration section guide will help you plan your Serengeti safari.

That said, Serengeti holiday safaris are magnificent throughout the year as there are always good avilable populations of big game.

The accommodation in the Serengeti is varied enough to suit you, whatever your taste. There are mobile tented camps, beautifully designed uxury lodges that blend in with the surroundings and colonial-style retreats where you can live the luxury of your dreams.

Serengeti holiday safaris are a lifelong dream for many travellers and there are packages designed to definitely give you the experience you’ve been yearning for.

Our many safari options offer you the chance to explore the Serengeti and other incredible wildlife destinations such as Kilimanjaro and the Ngorongoro Crater.

Not all of the world’s wonders manage to live up to the myths generated around them, but this famous wildlife destination rarely disappoints. A holiday safari to the Serengeti carries with it the certainty that no matter what time of year you visit, you will see thousands of large animals and big cats in particular in a place so vast the land seems to go on forever. get visa for tanzania on arrival.